Sunday, June 27, 2010

The shit is about to hit the fan.

Semester 2 ETA: >9 hours

Damn, things sure are happy huh? Homework's (almost) finished, revision, well.....I guess I am pretty much gaining momentum, although the time it will take for me to go hardcore.....I have no idea about it. Hope it will be soon, though, there's only 10+ weeks left till hell. (Fuck, I can't wait, because I do not want to)

Anyway, school's about to start, with a timetable on steroids (8-4 almost daily), I guess that's the price we have to pay for being in Sec 4, after the 3 figure sum fees that we have to pay for the O 'levels. Whatever lah, I just want to enjoy the last few minutes of my holidays.

On one note, my last NPCC parade will in a few days time. It will be sad, yes, and it will be something which I might shed tears in. I don't know, but I hope everything will go well, I really do.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Last weekday of the June Holidays, fuck....

In 2 minutes after the start of this post, there will only be 2 days left till school reopens, bah!

My joints and chest are aching like shit right now, must be the gym session I had with some of my friends ytd. Damn, will this last for 3 days like last time? Perhaps, I have no freaking idea.

Anyway, I tried to do some revision, this week, looks like I was not entirely successful, still had yet to finish my sec 3 Add maths, add maths homework has yet to be completed. Damn, there's a shitload of stuff to do. I guess playtime's already over long ago. Gotta hit the book really motherf*cking soon. Do wish me luck (if not, damn you).

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Last week of June, well, the holidays anyway....ahhh f**k.

The beginning of the end huh? The last week of the June Holidays, my last one in my secondary school life, fun, isn't it? Anyway, suffering from a mild cold right now, bloody hell, feeling like a sod right now. Hopefull this passes over, then I can get to my work in peace.

Speaking of which, almost finished with my holiday homework, can't say much for my revision though. Maths and perhaps even sciences.......urgh.... At least MT is almost over, just need to get rid of oral and listening compre. I will keep my fingers crossed, may this shit be over ASAP. Besides, I have a tuition test coming up, which is worse, the fact that it is add maths or the fact that I would not be doing any proper revision for it, I don't know, and possibly do not care.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Isn't it disturbing to have someone in your family go crazy?

Got a new watch, nothing special, only costing twice as much as my previous watch (which had the strap bent into 2 pieces by accident, an ACCIDENT!). It is still less than a 3 figure sum, but someone is unhappy about it, a fucking understatement.

When my mom told the whole family that it's time to get me a new watch, damn, my sister bitchy about it. At some shop in Bugis, she was sulking all the way, talking stuff about me "spoiling that watch" or the "unfairness" of it. After which, she started crying and my father lost his temper and thus, our family outing was fucked up. Wonderful.

Damn it, it's just a damn watch, you have 2 okay, the rest of mine are either in shit condition or worse. For christ's sake stop whining like a pig and fucking up everything. If you cannot get what you want, face it, that's life.

And stop the stupid conspiracy theories btw, please, you sound like one of those retards who claim that we DID not land on Luna. I would not be so low as to sabotage my watch, besides, I did not make a sound when I went without a watch for a few months, how about you? You scream for a watch and now you throw them at one side to collect dust, damn, you are now even desperate enough to try and break your own watch, WTF?!

Whatever, I am out of here, might as well not screw myself. I am watching you, I am WATCHING you, don't think you can escape.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Last BV Bazaar, gotta love it.

Got my dad to drop me off behind the school so that I could get some cash and some ice to practice making ice blends or smoothies or whatever you call it. When to school and I started sweating already. (for the *00th time, c* b**) After which, I went into the class stall (selling smoothies, ice pops, drinks....), tried testing out Shu Yi's blender, which, pwned the wooden spatula she brought along, orange smoothie with wood chips anyone?

Our stall, quaint, isn't it?

More people started coming in, we rushed to get our stall ready. I waited for See Cheng to get his Multi-plug, for 36 Kg of cube ice to be delivered and for a 3 feet chest freezer which I had to pay a total of $300 to rent ($150, including a 150 SGD deposit. Al three things took bloody long to arrive. By that time I was already sweating like a pig. The stall was pretty much in shape when the bazaar was about to start. We also met a few 4E1 ppl along the way (mostly with their Haunted House make up). Unfortunately mother nature wasn't very kind, the skies were grey with shitface-ness (damn, sounds freaking awkward)

Doktor Joshua Max at your service, with a chainsaw.

Chih Hsuan and Elaine, both abandoned.


The start of the Bazaar, to be honest it was not as spectacular as the previous bazaars I have been to. There's still the practice of hitting the gong, but everything else was not so much of a hoohah as it is an Uh huh (f**k, awkward sentencing much).
Whatever, right afterwards mother nature called in an orbital strike of raindrops, in random magnitudes of intensity, wonderful, isn't it? We manged to do some business though.....even though it was rather infrequent (not because of any shitty factors of anything like that). I even stood outside the stall with my umbrella just to provide a free Umbrella service, dumb isn't it?
11-12+ am/pm

The skies started to open up, finally mother nature's satellites ran out of ammo. Business became more and more brisk. And I guess profits started to rise, and rise,and rise.
At 11+ several things happened, not necessarily in the order shown below.
My mom and my younger sister came, I entertained them for a while, with my mom being rather pleased with the smoothie my class made. (Made using a 10+ year old blender, with no speed control, and stains of sambal and belacan due to years of improper use (I know because it's mine!), and Isaac's ice shaver) .

I went up to the NPCC disco thing, saw not much business (to be honest, it's a ghost town) and now I shall not place any high hopes of my squad's farewell party, damn....

Panic at the disco, I stand corrected.

I met up with Firdie and his cousin Verma, quite a nice guy I suppose, although it was a surprise meeting up with him.

Firdie and Verma

Got out my "Sasha" at times to take some pictures, although Isaac took most of the ones in her.

Business as usual, plus waiting for more ice to come (no such thing materialised). I also chatted with Firdie and Verma. I went up to the NPCC disco, not much improvement was made. My patience in the ice company was wearing thin by the minute.

Mrs Haffidz and her kids, isn't that sweet?
2pm-rest of my time in school:

Cut the deal with the ice company, they are already 1 1/2 hours late, plus they still have 20 minutes to go. Screw it, I might as well go to Cheers instead (which I did). I went up to the NPCC stall again, business improved, a miracle I suppose, thanks to some guys who just went in and called for backup I guess.

Tiffany and Wei Sin in the hall, when things got better.

I went to check out the Haunted house (to get a queue no. of all things), when someone, with his friends, threw a couple of water bombs out of the 3rd floor, and even gave me 2, I was fucking surprised. I wasted them with Isaac later on. Soon everything started to wind down, and my class' stall started giving out the surplus ice cream and ice pops, there was a mad rush.
I went solo in the Haunted house later on, was not the most scary thing, since we saw quite a no. of our friends in disguise, but, it was still quite exciting, especially when they ambushed me in the middle of the maze. I guessed that they are surprised that some guy was taking a vid.
Deborah throwing water at Erwin, YES, REVENGE!!!!

The bazaar soon ended, we started to pack up, and there was a bit of a water fight, due to the MASSIVE (kidding) amounts of water left in our coolers. We continued to pack up afterwards and I was one of the last to go home. And later I found out that I left my Mom's umbrella in the school, shit.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Last BV bazaar, this better not be a fucking fuck-up.

Today had structured lessons, Physics test was not as hard as I though it will be, although I definitely will NOT get full marks. Add maths, ah shit, damn algebra.

After which I helped to set up my class' BV bazaar stall, I do hope lugging my cooler and blender to school is WELL WORTH IT! I am not going to go around lugging shiz just so that I will lose a shitload of my savings (damn, I am starting to sound like a fag). Whatever it is, we kinda had fun....sort of. I have to honest, some of our classmates, they are just pure shit, seriously, they cannot be trusted, but I might as well not dwell on that, screws up one's mood.

Let's just hope that all goes well tomorrow then, it better be scorching hot!