Friday, November 18, 2011


Middle fingers plucking out clicks from the keyboard. Kate Bush reverberating in my earplugs. Another typical monotonous night. So much to do, but so little allocated to me. Of course, I do have a lot of homework to do, but I shall procrastinate, I rather enjoy a bit of "me" time first. Time to catch up with friends and acquaintances. Time to work out. Time to explore my World. Time to wallow in jealousy under the shadow of the success of others, only to take a vow to destroy that shadow or surpass it. Time for what is basically R&R. A week or so till my trip to London/Paris, I better make those few days count.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

EoY reflections

It's the end of the school year, although this term is extremely subjective, considering the fact that my A Level OP is this Friday, and I still have lectures the week after. Not to mention the avalanche of holiday homework that I fear will come down upon me. At the very least, I can rejoice in the fact that my workload now has been drastically reduced...sort of, as well as the fact that I have done reasonably well for my promos (the fact that I mugged for 2 weeks either shows my prowess or stupidity, either way, I'm cool).

For the past few days I have been slacking like a corrupt Malaysian policeman on the Second Link causeway. Watching Youtube videos over and over again, reading, playing my Xbox 360 with games that have begun to lose their appeal. I am seriously bored. Maybe I should start on my homework soon. I recently had a dinner with my cousins, and I've started a routine of jogging around the neighbourhood, so at least I am not a complete couch potato, thank goodness for that.

To be honest, my holidays aren't exaclty as bad as my post O Level vacation. I have my debate competition to plan for (if enough schools actually turn up) and I will be going overseas, twice. Plus I will need to reunite with my squadmates, classmates and other wonderful Secondary school comrades, even if the reunion lasts only for a mere 5 hours. I better get my ass in gear then. At the end of this week would be the 1st anniversary of my last O level paper, perhaps I might have something good to blab about.