Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Post-JCT review

I suppose the extremely dull title would have given the purpose of this post away. Today was the last day of my June Common Test and I'm giving myself a break after all the crap I've been through. To say that my performance has been stellar would have been utter bullshit on a whole lot of levels.

1) I did not study as hard as I should be, but I guess my efforts here indeed noticeable.
2) Fucking lit practical criticism.
3) Spotted wrongly for SEAsian history, FML then.

In all, it has been a pretty crappy week. While I hope my results in my weaker subjects would improve (fuck Keynes and Shakespeare), I am expecting a few disappointments here and there. If that actually happens, then the last few weeks till my A'levels would pretty much suck. That's because I would see my morale plunge into the deep depths of JC depression, and Bedok Reservoir might prove to be the perfect place to end it all.

Depressing/Suicidal thoughts aside, at least now I have a 5 day break for some R&R. Time for my 1st LAN session in months, and to consolidate my work in preparation for the hellish school weeks that are bound to overwhelm me no matter that. While I am not the most enthusiastic person with regards to schoolwork, I am most enthusiastic about NOT screwing up my university prospects.

P.S. And on another note, this would be my last post on this dusty, rarely-visited corner of the internet. I suppose this place is becoming a bit too boring (and perhaps sentimental) for my tastes. Besides, no one comes here anyway. I might just create another one, if I feel like it...maybe

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Holiday, with revision on the side.

I'm leaving on a jet plane. Don't know when I'll be back again (oh yes, the 5th).

And I brought 3 kg of maths and history notes along in a carry-on gym bag. Oh the joys of the A'levels.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The last day of suffering, the first day of agony.

Today's the day of two lasts. The last day of semester 1, and my last debate training (technically) in TJC. Not that I will have time to relax, JCTs are coming up. To think that in my secondary school days this day would be treated like the second coming (THE last day of school is another matter altogether), but then again, those were the days where I do not have to contend with my mid-year exams AFTER the holidays.

It's been one (-ish) year since I've joined TJC's debating society. It has provided me with a sense of belonging, after the crap I had to go through in my previous PDP, not mention the wonderful I've met and befriended.. Indeed, my adjudication skills are shitty and I debate like a faggot (as in a bundle of sticks), but I improved on them, and I suppose that counts. Compared to my NPCC days where my last training (excluding the farewell party) did unleash a torrent of memories, this conclusion was...mild for the lack of a better word. I did not participate actively (either I couldn't or wouldn't) and this 1 year was too short and too uneventful for sentimentality to take hold, compared to the 3.5 years I had under the National Police Cadet Corps. Not that I did not have my fair share of funny, happy and often quirky moments (I will try to remember them), but 6 minute speeches pale in comparison to shooting a revolver or jumping off a 10 storey high tower. In any case, I am still glad to have been part of TJDebates and I will miss it. It did provide me with something to look forward to in my miserable JC life.

Loads of things to take care of in June; my cousin's wedding overseas, homework, extra classes, revision and so on. The pressure is becoming more intense, slightly more than 100 days left till the A's, and not a single day of intense revision has been accomplished. Now's the time for me to get in gear, I can't screw up my papers now.,

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

When FTW means Fuck The World

If my life was a triple megabyte simulation, I suppose the programmer must be a sadistic douchebag. Just to keep my hopes up, he throws me into events like last Friday's "TJ Mardi Gras" (The French and Louisianans would not be happy). After which, he would throw a bucket of lava on the Prozac-lined facade that has built up around me. For the umpteenth time, the first two lines of the school anthem; "It matters not where we come from, to Temasek we now belong." Seem like lines that describe one's involuntary submission to TJC's administration.

At least my recent report slip does hold some good news. Apparently I am a capable student with good ideas (I hope my cynicism helped), but I am unable to organise them properly. Not too good, but not too bad either.

As I type this rant-like pile of intellectual garbage on my hipster shit iPhone, waiting for the bus to take me back to my imperfect fortress of domestication, I hope (in vain most probably) that things will turn around for the better.

Although the great programmer has yet to accomplish his quest of trolling me to the point of complete insanity.

Monday, March 26, 2012

A week of tests, a day or two of sorrow.

My first and last March Common Test in TJC ended 2 days ago. It wasn't that bad, although the MCTs I was accustomed to in Bedok View was A FKING BREEZE. I am certainly screwed for lit and I plan on skipping any econs lecture that has anything to do with the damned paper.

I suppose this would serve as a wake up call for me. Not that I did not want to study, but I was as motivated as that German Army Group when they surrendered in Stalingrad in 1942, not that my wonderful school life helped. And I am looking forward to my very first "U". In any case, I hope to learn and survive (and perhaps thrive). Time to hit the books and rape the answer schemes, I have exams to execute, tests to torture and closet muggers to cauterise...

Monday, March 19, 2012

Tomorrow, I shall dine in hell.

1st day of MCTs, the GP paper wasn't too bad, although the "Use your own words" questions are getting on my nerves (every single fking question has that fking phrase!!!). Expecting a double whammy tomorrow, econs is definitely screwed up, lacking in content and in skills, spotting is my best friend now. History's not too bad, but that fact that any decent essay I did needed 3+ hours of brainstorming just to plan out is not a very good sign.

It would not do any good for me to moan about not having studied eariler, at least this is the MCTs, I will have a bit more time to spare for the JCTs. I should have my work cut out for me by then. I hope so.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

11 years, finally, its over.

Got my MT A'level results yesterday. A "D"! No more mother tongue for the rest of my life! :D

Considering how I almost failed my MT promos, I'm as happy as a guy with a $1000 escort (read "whore"). Imagine, struggling over the use of 10000 characters (although I should be able to remember only 500, tops) for most of my childhood. At least it's all over now.

Despite all the hell it has given me, I guess I have to thank the chinese language syllabus for many things, although making me appreciate the chinese language is not one of them.
Those wonderful teachers who had the patience to guide us uninterested anglophones through the numerous essays, comprehensions, tests and examinations that popped up like bouncing betties along this 11 year long journey to nowhere. The friends I've made in tuition classes and in school, when we felt that talking amongst ourselves (in Singlish) is more productive than deciphering any oriental hieroglyphics, by sight or sound. And not to forget the hilarious mistakes made, by accident or otherwise. Despite all these, I'm just glad I shall not have to study this not-so-despicable subject for the rest of my life.

With MT sorted out, I still have my PW results to take care of, and a few more pesky subjects to prepare for, damn...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It's been a while, too fucking bad.

Read the title, it has been a long time since I've updated this backwater of the internet. JC life and a lack of motivation (tertiary education can sap even the most tenacious of Carebears of their joy). I still have loads of work to do tonight, so I HAVE NO FKING IDEA WHY I AM BLOGGING RIGHT NOW!!!!!! So cya...soon?

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The first 7 days, only the beginning.

Tomorrow's the second week of school, and it feels like a month already. It sure was hectic as hell, and it can only get worse. At least I've got most of my holiday work done and over with, and CNY's coming soon, so I can get some undeserved R&R...

Shit, my train of thought has been ruined. Thanks mom.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Welcome to fking 2012

So, this is the New Year everyone looks forward to every year. Hmm...nothing special, except that I actually stayed up late for the whole night in the city after the firework display with some of my BVSS buds. Not something I would do everyday, but it was fun. I ought to do it again though, like say...AFTER THE DAMED A'LEVELS!!!

Anyway, homework's not completed, books unread, shit, I'm screwed for the new school year.