Thursday, December 22, 2011

Back from Europe, a week or so ago...

Finally, I am back, for some time anyways. London and Paris, two great capital cities of the world, simply smashing, magnifique. While it was not the best trip from a social perspective (I can't seem to be interested in mixing around in conversations that I will ruin anyway), it was extremely enlightening. The numerous museums, attractions, performances, brilliant.

I suppose it was a tad discomforting at first, having to adapt to the cold temperatures (but no snow, WTF), the Tube/Metro, the fking high prices, and the lack of connectivity to the rest of the World (no auto-roaming for me, shit). Eventually, I got the hang of things, sort of. (14 days without rice, and the fact that the British hostel's breakfast can't seem to stay in my stomach aren't very good news)

With the huge amount of time spent in museums and galleries, it was definitely a feast for my brain cells. While the Natural History Museum, the British Museum and the shitlaod of art museums (including the Lourve, which was the only one I gave a damn about) were great in their own right (especially the first 2, the art museums were generally boring or "WTF am I looking at" moments), I was generally looking forward to the Imperial War Museum and the Churchill War rooms (Chateau de Versailles and the medieval village of Provins were a treat as well). It was a military historian's wet dream! All the militaria, the history, the artifacts, the exhibits, the experiences of those who actually were there (I met a survivor of the London Blitz!), my goodness! I definitely ticked off many things from my bucket list from those visits.

Then there was the food and people. The people were generally helpful, and polite. Especially so in France when we are as Francophone as Helen Keller, in her mom's womb. And the guides were brillant, funny, and they do have character, acting as if they were part of the attractions themselves! Although there were dicks here and there, but I guess dicks are located everywhere around the damned globe. Then there was nutrition, very expensive, yet, very filling. I've never eaten so many baguettes, so much pasta and so much fast food in my life! Of course, those were the cheaper options for students like us, and a member of the middle class like me. They were delicious though, most of the time (snails anyone?), but the fact that a cuppa would cost as much as a meal in Burger freaking King still pisses me off. Still, it's Europe, land of Arty Farty crap, loads of it, and expensive goods (don't ask me about shopping, if shopping was a religion, I would be a heretic)

Still, there were not so good parts about the trip. While the public transport systems of both cities were very good (almost, their stations were not the most impressive), having to walk around is still a bitch (but it prevented me from becoming an American, looking at the enormous amount of food we had at every meal), and it gave me the benefit of observing the everyday life in a Western European metropolis. Crime also proved to be a nuisance, while it wasn't so bad in London, except for having to look out for pickpockets all the freaking time, Paris was shit. That place was filled with freaking gypsies (no offence to the Roma people) who beg and beg and look for opportunites to stuff their hands into my pockets, all I could say to them was non merci and "Get a job!" (Under my breath, obviously). Perhaps, Singapore is not so bad after all.

Despite their flaws, I had a wonderful time in both countries. It was a pain in the arse (literally, 12 hours in economy class sucks) that I had to go home after so long, but then again, it was time. I have a lot of friends and things to take care of.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Last night

Tomorrow I shall be setting off to Paris. Just as well, I am left with only £10. Looking back at how much one has spent is scary indeed. Will have to be careful with my Euros then, I have yet to find my bag (Best bet is in Galleries Lafayette). London (as well as Bath) has been wonderful, with a few nicks here and there, I hope Paris will be the same, although the cheese eating surrender monkeys might not be as jolly as the bulldogs.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

London, with not much time left online.

London, 2314 hours. 2nd day running. Went to loads of attractions and places of interest. And loads of food as well. Shit, all my running had gone to waste. Treat £ as S$ is definitely not a good idea, but I can manage. I hope to be online soon. Internet's fucking expensive in the hostel, and I can't access FB, ARGH!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Going off to the Land of Hope and Glory

4 more hours till I set off to the airport, for 2 weeks (more or less) in London and Paris. I should be excited. Well, I suppose I am, but compared to my UG trip to Japan 2 years ago, it's something akin to a whimper. I guess the fact that I hardly know any of my peers going for this trip played a huge part in this situation. Moreover I will (most probably) be the only lone ranger not having his parents waving him off. Damned UK civil servant strike, now I am the one seeing them off, not the other way round. At least my cousin is kind enough to give me a lift, and I will have a few wonderful secondary school comrades seeing me off.

Perhaps I should stop being such a pessimistic fucker. The fact that I am able to go to Europe in the first place is an indicator of my improving, although erratic luck. Maybe Hopefully, I will be able to make some new friends on this trip. 14 days can't go by with me being a lonely bugger. Besides, I will had loads of shitty work on my hands once this trip is over, sigh.

My bags are all packed, cameras (yes, I am bringing more than 1) charged, and I am now able to speak "Sorry sir/mdm, I can't speak French, can you speak English?" I guess I am more or less ready to go. To anyone who even bothers to read this infrequently updated blog/rant, cya in a few weeks.