Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Post-JCT review

I suppose the extremely dull title would have given the purpose of this post away. Today was the last day of my June Common Test and I'm giving myself a break after all the crap I've been through. To say that my performance has been stellar would have been utter bullshit on a whole lot of levels.

1) I did not study as hard as I should be, but I guess my efforts here indeed noticeable.
2) Fucking lit practical criticism.
3) Spotted wrongly for SEAsian history, FML then.

In all, it has been a pretty crappy week. While I hope my results in my weaker subjects would improve (fuck Keynes and Shakespeare), I am expecting a few disappointments here and there. If that actually happens, then the last few weeks till my A'levels would pretty much suck. That's because I would see my morale plunge into the deep depths of JC depression, and Bedok Reservoir might prove to be the perfect place to end it all.

Depressing/Suicidal thoughts aside, at least now I have a 5 day break for some R&R. Time for my 1st LAN session in months, and to consolidate my work in preparation for the hellish school weeks that are bound to overwhelm me no matter that. While I am not the most enthusiastic person with regards to schoolwork, I am most enthusiastic about NOT screwing up my university prospects.

P.S. And on another note, this would be my last post on this dusty, rarely-visited corner of the internet. I suppose this place is becoming a bit too boring (and perhaps sentimental) for my tastes. Besides, no one comes here anyway. I might just create another one, if I feel like it...maybe

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